Frequently Asked Questions

If you are providing your own hosting and domain, once your site is up and running, unless stated in our quotation for addtitional services / support contracts, there will be no ongoing costs.
If we are hosting your site and / or maintaining your domain there will be a small yearly charge that will not break the bank.
You will be advised about your options in this respect and any costs in your quotation.
You should try to think of a unique set of keywords or phrases that people may use to search for you compared to what your competitors are using and we can utilise these within your site SEO to the best advantage.
Popularity and links from other sites will also play a major role so make sure you include your website address on all your correspondence and ask all your friends and colleagues with websites to link to you.
Paid inclusion is the only guaranteed way but this can be extremely expensive, again dependent on the subject matter and may also be wasted where the user considers PPC sites less relevant as they often are.
It is important to keep your content fresh and up to date so just ask for details.
Remember we only create it, you don't pay until you are completely satisfied with the result.
There are literally thousands of sites that will give you free listings, it's obviously a gradual process, but worth getting links from as many of these as you can find. You can also play a big part by including your website address on all your paperwork and business cards.
You can ask for friends and colleagues who have websites to link to your site giving it better visibility, it all helps.
We can incorporate Google dashboard and analytics for more detailed information if you are interested.
Please ask for further information if this is very important to you.
If you need any more information we are happy to help - just ask