Search Engine Optimisation
To describe Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) in a nutshell, it is the process of adapting key factors within your website and it's code in order to rank well in internet search engines such as Google.
As a specialist in SEO & SEM web design we know exactly what to do to help grow your site organically and to improve your website rankings (SERP's). If you are not top, someone else is, placing even more importance on being able to be found online easily. Once your site is optimised, higher ranking in the search engines is then a matter of further linking & marketing (SEM)

Search engine results pages (SERP's)
SERP's are the pages that show the results from your searches in search engines like Google. Because it has been proven that 90% of Internet users use search engines to find websites, these are the most important pages on the internet. These pages are made up of 2 different types of listings, natural or organic listings and paid advertisements. Paid listings are usually obtained through 'pay per click' (PPC) on Google for example they would be bought through Google Adwords. Around 80% of Google clicks are within the organic results, not the PPC and the vast majority of these are within the first 3 pages so it is important to rank well organically to reach your audience.
In order to rank well we make sure your site is optimised to be search engine friendly.
On-page SEO
Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is the process of engineering your site in order that it can be properly read by the search engine spiders. Search engines are text analysis systems so some SEO is really common sense, a text rich page that uses your chosen keywords and phrases prominently will rank higher than one made up of mainly images. Behind the scenes your various paragraphs and phrases can be highlighted to signify their importance to the search engine spiders and descriptive text can also be added to your pictures without it being visible.
We provide on-page SEO on all of our websites as standard using your information about your business as a starting point and building on that using our own experience and techniques. We use the latest 'white hat' methods ensuring that your rankings are never penalised for unorthodox methods. We can also offer additional monitoring services which would include 'tweaking' your on-page SEO where a current strategy is not providing the desired results.
Search engine marketing (SEM)
Another way of improving your SERP's is through good inbound linking. A well known and trusted site will naturally grow links through popularity, when starting from scratch you will have to kick-start this process. These inbound links are analysed by the search engine spiders so links from other trusted and relevant sites are much more valuable than those that can be acquired from link-building farms that have no relevance.
We provide basic SEM with all our websites utilising the major search engines and key local databases. You can then expand on this by getting listed in as many on-line databases as possible, asking for links back to your site from your friends and colleagues, promoting your site everywhere possible including social media and locally focussed or specialist sites. It is also worth ensuring that all your stationary includes your website address, anything to generate click-through's to enhance your website profile.
None of the impact this has on your rankings is instant, it will take time to grow organically once in place. The more effort applied, the more benefit your website will receive.
Addressing this regularly will help your site rank highly and stay there.
We can offer extended SEO and SEM services to suit your needs, please contact us for further details.